About Us – Our Philosophy

We believe that work is about more than just a paycheck and companies are about more than just profits.

In the words of Tony Robbins . . . “All of us have two spiritual needs: the need to grow and the need to contribute”.   These needs are non-negotiable for high flyers at all levels and across all industries. To attract the best people companies must recognize and act upon this truth. They must provide people with opportunities to grow and develop – and to make a meaningful contribution to a quest they believe in.

“The ‘business’ of leaders at all levels is to help those in their charge develop beyond their dreams – which in turn almost automatically leads to ‘all that other stuff’, such as happy customers, happy stock holders, happy communities”. ~ Tom Peters

Kathy Forbes – Executive Recruiter, Trainer, Consultant

Kathy Forbes

Kathy Forbes

Kathy Forbes founded The Forbes Group in 1986 and recruits exclusively at the VP and CXO level. Her clients range from venture backed early stage companies to large established firms. VC clients have included Benchmark Capital, JP Morgan, Columbia Capital, Argonaut Private Equity and HIG Capital.

Kathy has devoted most of her career to mastering the “art and science” of executive assessment. She is the creator of the FIT™ Hiring System and two very unique tools for identifying the predictors of success. While Kathy’s approach to search has continually evolved over the years, what has remained constant is her focus on recruiting leaders whose passions, purpose, values and vision align with the goals and direction of the organization.

Prior to The Forbes Group, Kathy held leadership roles in Business Development with McGraw-Hill Corporation and IMI, a fast growing software company acquired by Ziff-Davis Corporation.

Kathy holds a BA degree from Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. She has received a notable amount of media attention over the years and has been quoted in the New York Times and various local publications.

Kathy is a long-term resident of Atlanta and has been an active board member with two non-profits: the BPCA which is focused on smart, urban development and Haven Bridge, which is focused on providing educational opportunities for teen orphans in Ukraine.